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Damascus Steel Ring Info

How is Damascus steel made?

Our Damascus steel is made by combining two alternating types of stainless steel (AEB-L and 302 on our standard Damascus steel and 304 and 316 on our Kuro Damascus steel). Master craftsman heat, bond, fold and twist the metals together to produce dramatic patterns. There can be more than 100 layers in each finished piece of Damascus steel. No two Damascus steel rings will ever look exactly alike.

What's so special about Damascus steel?

Damascus steel has a long and mysterious history. Damascus steel originated in Middle Eastern sword-making. Blacksmiths that produced Damascus steel became famous for the superior quality of their weapons. The art of Damascus Steel was closely guarded and over centuries the process of how it was made was lost. Scientific studies have discovered many elements that were included in Damascus steel swords such as carbon nanotubes, nanowire, exotic micro alloying, and super plasticity. Modern production processes can create metals with all of these characteristics, but it remains a mystery how such advanced elements were able to be done with this ancient art.

What patterns are available for Damascus steel rings?

We offers eleven distinctive patterns from which to choose. The standard Damascus is a basic twist pattern, while the other patterns are made from blanks normally used to make knives and swords. Click here to see examples of the available Damascus steel patterns.

Damascus Steel Ring Pattern
Damascus Steel
Flattwist Damascus Steel Pattern
Flattwist Damascus Steel
Zebra Damascus Steel Pattern
Zebra Damascus Steel
Basketweave Damascus Steel Pattern
Basketweave Damascus Steel
Tiger Damascus Steel Pattern
Tiger Damascus Steel
Kuro Damascus Steel Pattern
Kuro Damascus Steel
Marble Kuro Damascus Steel Pattern
Marble Kuro Damascus Steel
Sunset Kuro Damascus Steel Pattern
Sunset Kuro Damascus Steel
Tightweave Kuro Damascus Steel Pattern
Tightweave Kuro Damascus Steel
Kinetic Kuro Damascus Steel Pattern
Kinetic Kuro Damascus Steel
Scale Kuro Damascus Steel Pattern
Scale Kuro Damascus Steel

Can Damascus steel rings be cut off?

While Damascus steel is hard, any emergency medical facility is well equipped to be able to remove the band and will be able to cut through it without any issues.

Is Damascus steel hypoallergenic?

All of our Damascus steel are made with stainless steel and stainless steel does contain nickel so it is not a good choice for anybody that has nickel allergies.

Does Damascus steel contain nickel?

Damascus steel does contain nickel as all of Damascus steel rings contain stainless steel and stainless steel does contain nickel.

Is Damascus steel magnetic?

The stainless steel used to make Damascus does contain iron. As it contains iron this does mean that Damascus steel is ferrous and magnets will be attracted to it and it can also become magnetized.

How will my Damascus Steel ring wear over time?

The process used to make our Damascus steel leaves it approximately twice the hardness of cobalt chrome and titanium. Even with this hardness though, it can scuff and show wear over time. However, the texture and pattern of the Damascus steel hides scratches much better than most other metals.

The different finishes of Damascus steel will also change how it wears over time. Our bead blast finish will show wear quicker than the other finishes, but it does have a unique matte look to it. Our acid finish will lighten up as time goes by to resemble a fantastic dull polish. The polish finish has a high shine to it that can also dull through everyday wear. Our Warranty covers the finish of the rings and they can be restored to a like new state at any time during the warranty period.

How do I clean my Damascus steel ring?

Damascus Steel rings need no special care. Although harsh chemicals and salt water should be avoided, as long as they don't contain meteorite, they can be cleaned with regular jewelry cleaner. If your ring does contain meteorite please refer to the meteorite cleaning instructions.

Can Damascus steel be customized?

Damascus steel rings offer a wide variety of customizations. They can include exterior inlays using materials such as meteorite, dinosaur bone, antler, carbon fiber, guitar string, or many other materials. They can also have interior sleeves made of exotic hardwood, bold Cerakote colors, or even precious metals such as gold or platinum. If you would like to make a custom Damascus Steel ring reach out to us via our Custom Ring Quote.